Thursday, October 17, 2013

Functional Septo-rhino-Plasty

functional septo-rhino plasty Terminology and Orientation.
 Cranial means towards the head,  
dorsal means towards the dorsum of the nose,  
anterior means towards the front of the body.
Cranial (or cephalic) and caudal refer to opposite directions, as do inferior and superior, and anterior and posterior.
The Nasal Pyramid
The Nasal Pyramid

 Fig. 3. 1. nasal bone 2. frontal process of the maxillary bone 3. upper lateral cartilage 4. area of overlap (nasal bone-upper lateral) 5. lateral crus of lower lateral cartilage 6. dome area with tip defining point 7. medial crus of lower lateral cartilage 8. quadrangular (septal) cartilage 9. connective tissue 10. scroll region 11. shaded part of removed nasal bone.

functional rhinoplasty

 Lateral view of the nasal pyramid Showing overlying subcutaneous tissue and skin, also the relationship between upper lateral cartilage and the bony pyramid.

Source: Prof. Dr. Mohammed A. El-Begermy
E N T Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.